2009 France
We had originally intended to make our pilgrimage to France in late May for a June trip. However, having suffered indifferent spring weather in Devon & Cornwall, and because the late May weather in France wasn’t looking any more settled, we delayed it in favour of some more assured sun Walking the Corfu Trail. We changed our ferry booking to late August and went for September instead.
Excellent decision! We were treated to the best spell of weather we’ve had for several years. The settled weather enabled us to cover a lot of ground visiting a good mix of old favourite haunts (La Loire, Bassin de Thau, Fanjeaux) together with some great new locations (Die, Riez) to which we will undoubtedly return. We even had the pleasure of friends’ company – Steve and Rosemary were also in France and decided to join us for six days down at the Bassin de Thau to help us celebrate Carol’s birthday in Marseillan. A good time with good frends in good weather.
As our six weeks drew to a close, we used our journey back north finally to visit a couple of places that we frequently drive past (“must go there one day”) but never quite get round to seeing. Firstly, Oradour-sur-Glane which is brilliantly done and tear-jerkingly sombre, hence the monochrome treatment. Secondly, Chartres cathedral which is just plain huge and captured Carol’s imagination.
It was a terrific trip. The pictures below are an attempt to summarize our journey. (Trip on Google Maps)
In and Around Riez, Provence |
Amongst les Alpilles |
Around the Bassin de Thau |
From Fanjeaux in Cathar Country |
The Martyr Village of Oradour-sur-Glane |
Chartres and its Cathedral |
A Flora and Several Fauna |
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