Tag: travel


It seems we made the correct decision. We awoke to largely overcast skies and were not sorry that we were heading north to supposedly clearer weather. Having to pick places with open campsites from a steadily reducing number, we chose

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Another one of farmer Luc’s day excursions for us today; we went further towards the Pyrenees to visit a sleepy little village called Roquefixade. The village of Roquefixade itself, though sleepily French, is relatively unremarkable but towering above it on

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La Rigole

Yesterday we discovered the southern end of La Rigole, a 60-ish kilometre waterway built to supply water to the Canal du Midi from Les Montagnes Noires (the Black Mountains). Today we set out early enough to visit and cycle along

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Mirepoix Marché

Monday, the first day of our final week. Mondays are market day in Mirepoix and Mirepoix market is one of those not to be missed. For retired folks en vacance, we left pretty early (about 10:45 AM) to catch the

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Highs and Lows

A British registered camper van arrived yesterday evening and set-up a couple of pitches away from us. It turned out to be owned and driven by a pair of Australians, David and Kay. The van (Bessie) lived in the north

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Live and Learn

Carol found a leaflet of balades (walks, outings) in the information room on our campsite. One, a route for walkers or cyclists along an old dismantled railway between Mirepoix and Lavalanet, grabbed our interest so we loaded the bikes on

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Weather Watch

We’d been invited up to the farm house yesterday evening for wine and homemade pate, and very good it was, too. Luc now has publicly accessible Wi-Fi which I wanted to put through its paces so I spent much of

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Luc’s Long Walk

Another sunny day dawned and it looked as though things could get quite warm later so we set out fairly early on farmer Luc’s longer walk before, about 10mls/16kms, before things got uncomfortably warm for walking uphill. When I say

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Luc’s Short Walk

The day started well in that the sun had returned. Wednesday is market day in nearby Bram and, being a pleasantly sized market, not too big not too small, we decided to do some shopping for supplies there. The meat

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The dark clouds under which we had driven yesterday eventually produced a considerable amount of heavy overnight rain. At some small hour of the morning it finally ceased and I got to sleep. The morning dawned still very murky so,

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