Tag: cancer

Night Horrors

It is now three weeks since the removal of my accursed catheter so it’s way beyond time for a progress report. Blame the hiatus of Christmas which was, most unusually, a white Christmas in the UK. Cue Bing Crosby …

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Catheter Withdrawal Symptoms

Yesterday was another milestone in my process to get fixed. We were due another fun trip to High Wycombe hospital for what was billed as my “trial without catheter”. From Catheter Catharsis, regular readers will be well aware of my

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Staples Away

When this whole radical prostatectomy procedure was originally being explained to me, I was told that the process would involve 5 small incisions through my abdomen wall and that, having been discharged, my staples would be removed by a practice

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Catheter Catharsis

[Ed: Good grief, how’s that for alliteration?] It is said that writing about something can be cathartic. Let’s hope so. Whatever comments I have previously made about hospitals, two other things must be said. Firstly, the staff that I met

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Hospital Hubbub

Though never before having been an inpatient, I’d played the unenviable rôle of hospital visitor in the past, so I was prepared for the ward to be a hive of activity during the day. The day seems to be kicked

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Hospital Gastronomy

Though not my first brush with general anaesthetics, I am fortunate that this was my first stay in an NHS hotel hospital. Now I was being nursed back to health from a major operation and having no idea of what

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The Shortest Day

P-Day dawned after my first experience of a night in hospital. [Ed: more of that another time.] The condemned man was given a theatre gown, those intriguing garments that fasten (almost) down the back with short ties that no human

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Patient Choice

After what had seemed like an interminable wait, December 1st, Admission Day, had finally arrived. I’d d run the two week gauntlet attempting to avoid catching a cold and was still “go for admission”, as Houston might say. Even the

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Cold Avoidance

I’ve arrived at the last day of Movember. Tomorrow, all those “real men” who’ve been growing ‘taches (sorry, I still call it a mo’) in support of the Movember prostate awareness campaign can have, in the words of Sweeney Todd,

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Waiting to Wait

There’s a very old George Carlin comedy sketch about dogs. Dogs are always waiting for something, he says: waiting to be walked, waiting to be fed, waiting to be fussed; sometimes, just waiting to wait. I’m naturally reticent to knock

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