Tomales Salad

This mixture became one of our staples while house-sitting for a friend in Tomales, California, hence the name. The avocado and tomato flavours blend very well together and make a good accompaniment to grilled fish or meats. Since it was well received by our hosts, I thought I’d document it.(Repeated uses of the word organic are a tongue-in-cheek nod to the fact that absolutely everything in the Tomales area seemed to be organic. Please feel free to use regular, affordable ingredients. I do.)


serves: 4
preparation time: 10 mins
cooking time: n/a


  • 1 very small garlic clove
  • salt
  • 3 tbs extra virgin olive oil
  • rainbow pepper corns
  • 1 tbs dark balsamic vinegar
  • 200g organic salad leaves (we like a mixture)
  • 4 medium organic tomatoes
  • 2 organic avocados


First make the dressing. Crush the garlic clove with a pinch of salt and mix it into the balsamic vinegar. Let it infuse for about five minutes before adding a few twists of ground rainbow pepper and the olive oil. Shake it together to blend.

Put the leaves in a suitable salad bowl. Cut each tomato into eight segments lengthwise and add them to the leaves. Cut each avocado in half and remove the stones. Using a dessert spoon, scoop out relatively fine, roughly half-moon-shaped pieces and add these to the salad bowl. (Don’t do this too far ahead of time ‘cos it’ll discolour.)

Immediately before serving, remix the dressing and dress the salad.

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Tuscan Bread Salad

I’ve been intrigued by an Italian bread salad recipe such as this from Giorgio Locatelli for some time. It’s another idea with many variations and apparently no definitive recipe. I finally got around to trying this one and it was quite successful.

The flavours really do improve overnight. However, because of the “maturing”, the trick lies in getting the correct balance between the amount of bread and the amount of liquid. We want soft, tasty bread but definitely not soggy bread. I suggest adding the dressing gradually, adding more as the salad matures if the bread needs to be a little softer.


serves: 4
preparation time: overnight
cooking time: 10-30 mins


  • 1 small loaf country style bread about 2-3 days old
  • 1 small cucumber, roughly chopped
  • 1 large red onion, roughly chopped
  • 3 very ripe tomatoes, roughly chopped
  • 5 tbs olive oil
  • 3 tbs red wine vinegar
  • 2 tbs capers. drained
  • 1-2 tbs sugar, to taste
  • 12 fresh basil leaves, roughly crushed
  • salt & pepper


Preheat the oven to 170°C/Gas 3. Cut the bread into large cubes and spread it out in a large roasting tin. Toast it in the oven until golden (about 20 minutes). Leave to cool.

In a bowl, mix the cucumber, onion, tomatoes and toasted bread cubes. Season with salt and pepper.

Whisk together the olive oil, vinegar, capers, sugar, some salt and pepper, and add this to the bowl with the basil. Give it a good stir. Cover it and leave it in the fridge overnight for the flavours to mellow. The bread should feel moist but not soggy.

Serve it as a starter or as a salad accompaniment to grilled or roasted meat.


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Garlic Mashed Potatoes

A garlic fest that goes extremely well with roast chicken. Don’t be put off by the amount of garlic which might seem quite daunting; it is blanched before use and that moderates its strength of flavour into something entirely softer. Trust me!


serves: 4 – 6
preparation time: 10 mins
cooking time: 15 mins


  • 18 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 1kg potatoes, peeled
  • 30g butter
  • 15g plain flour
  • 150ml milk
  • salt & pepper


Blanch the garlic cloves in boiling water for three minutes. Drain them, let them cool a little, then mince/chop them very finely.

Cut the potatoes into even, large chunks before bringing them to the boil in a pan of salted water and simmering them until tender.

While the potatoes are simmering, make a garlic white sauce. Melt the butter over gentle heat and add the finely minced garlic. Cook the garlic gently in the butter, without colouring, for two or three minutes. Stir in the flour and continue cooking gently for another two or three minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and gradually beat in the milk avoiding any lumps (other than the bits of garlic, of course). When all the milk is incorporated, return the pan to the heat and bring to simmering point whilst stirring. Simmer the thickened sauce for two or three minutes to cook out any raw flour taste.

When the potatoes are tender, mash them and beat in the garlic white sauce.

Be prepared to wish you had made a larger quantity.

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Caesar Salad

Caesar Salad is, in my opinion, one of the World’s great salads and one of America’s contributions to haute cuisine . Apart from the crispness of the Cos/Romaine lettuce used, this really stands or falls on the dressing. This dressing comes from Delia Smith’s Summer Collection from the days when she cooked properly instead of “cheating” (so sad and such a complete travesty). In fact, this dressing is the reason I bought the book.


serves: 4
preparation time: 15 mins
cooking time: n/a


  • 50 g crustless white bread cut into 1cm cubes
  • 1-2 tbs olive oil
  • 1 rounded tbs Parmesan cheese, finely grated
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • 1 (very) large egg
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 1 heaped tsp mustard powder
  • ½ tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 150 ml olive oil
  • 40 g Parmesan cheese, finely grated
  • salt & pepper
  • 2 hearts of Cos/Romaine lettuce
  • 1 x 50 g tin anchovy fillets, drained (but keep the oil for the dressing)


First make some croûtons. Preheat the oven ot 180°C/350°F/gas 4. Place the cubes of bread in a bowl and stir in 1-2 tbs olive oil, the crushed garlic glove and one tbs Parmesan grated cheese. Now spread the croûtons on a baking sheet lined with foil and bake them high in the oven for 10 minutes. Keep watching so that they do not burn. Remove them and let them cool.

Now make the all-important dressing. Break the egg into the bowl of a food processor (a small one is best). Add the garlic clove, 2 anchovy fillets, lime juice, mustard powder and Worcestershire sauce. Blitz that all together until smooth then, keeping the processor running, drizzle in the anchovy oil and olive oil through the feeder funnel. When all the oil is incorporated you should have an emulsified sauce about the consistency of pouring cream. If it’s a little too thick, slacken it slightly by whisking in some water. Season it with salt and pepper to taste.

Break up the lettuce leaves into a serving bowl. Snip in the remaining anchovy fillets (having separated them first, of course) and mix to distribute them. When you are ready to serve, pour over some salad dressing and toss thoroughly to coat the leaves. (You should not need all the dressing.) Sprinkle in the Parmesan, toss again, and scatter over the croûtons.

This makes a great starter. For a variation and to turn it into a more substantial meal for lunch, say, try serving it topped with grilled chicken breasts cut into fine strips. For some real fun, use Cajun blackened chicken breasts.

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Thai Chicken Red Curry

This has developed from a couple of sources including Nigel Slater and Muoi Khuntilanont’s Kitchen. The colour associated with the so-called curry paste is really just down to the colour of the chillies used, though the colour can be enhanced by the addition of other ingredients. You can find a recipe for the red curry paste on this site also.

The use of stock in addition to coconut milk is in no way authentic – it’s a Slater component – but I believe it improves the flavour to my western palate. I made it once for relatives in Singapore and their Filipino house maid’s eyes stared in horror. To stick with tradition, leave it out and increase the quantity of coconut milk accordingly.

In Thailand the curries are often made with their long beans. I would suggest using fine beans or French beans as a reasonably authentic substitute. Another vegetable that I find works quite well is pak choi.


serves: 4
preparation time: 15 mins
cooking time: 30 mins


  • ½ qty Thai red curry paste
  • sunflower oil
  • 4 chicken breasts cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 300ml coconut milk
  • 150ml homemade chicken stock
  • 200g fine beans/pak choi
  • 1 tbs Thai fish sauce (nam pla)
  • 10g Thai basil leaves, chopped
  • 2 kaffir lime leaves (or grated zest of 1 lime)


If you’re using fine beans, halve them. For pak choi, cut crosswise into, say, 1.5cm chunks.

In a little sunflower oil, briefly fry the curry paste over medium heat until fragrant. Stir in the chicken pieces to coat them in the paste and cook just to firm them up a little. Now stir in the liquids followed by your vegetable of choice. Bring to a gentle simmer and cook, stirring occasionally.

Chicken breast will overcook and dry out readily so be careful how long you cook it; 10-15 mins should be ample but test it. Once cooked stir in the basil leaves and adjust the seasoning. If it needs a little more salt use a splash more Thai fish sauce.

Serve with boiled Thai fragrant rice.

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Thai Red Curry Paste

This is really just the red chilli version of the Thai Green Curry Paste. It’s a combination of a spice mix by for a Thai-style curry by Nigel Slater and Muoi Khuntilanont’s Kitchen. Muoi’s original uses 15-30 red birdseye chillis; good luck with that on a western palate. Here I use medium hot large red chillis beloved of our supermarkets. Heat can be adjusted by including and removing as many seeds and pith (the hot part) as you think fit.

This makes sufficient for two 4-person curries. Main ingredients spiced with this paste can vary according to preference, normally including a meat or fish component plus a vegetable. Red curry pastes work very well with tiger prawns, too, but put them in near the end of cooking.


preparation time: 20 mins
cooking time:


  • 4 fresh lemongrass stalks
  • 8 medium-hot red chillies
  • 4 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
  • 5 cm piece fresh galangal or ginger, peeled and chopped
  • 2 shallots, peeled and chopped
  • 4 tbs fresh coriander stalks, chopped
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 2 tsp ground coriander
  • zest and juice of 1 lime
  • 1 tbs Thai fish sauce
  • ½ tsp ground black pepper


Remove any outer leaves of the lemongrass that are too coarse before slicing it quite finely. According to taste you can remove some of the seeds from the chillies (seeds and pith are the hot parts) prior to chopping them coarsely. Place the lemongrass and chillies, together with the other ingredients into a blender/food processor. Blitz this lot together, scraping down the sides regularly, until you have a thick paste. (You can add a little water to help slacken it if necessary.)

Cover and refrigerate this until you need it. It will keep for about a week in the fridge.

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Garden Peas à la JC

Fresh garden peas, in their all-too-brief season, are a complete delight. For a bit of variety over and above plain boiled peas (which are excellent), especially when the season is getting advanced and the peas are a little older, this is my version of the classic Petits Pois à la Française .

For those who would prefer the original, my variations are the initial light browning of the onion and the use of a light chicken stock instead of plain water. Adjust your methods accordingly.


serves: 4
preparation time: 15 mins
cooking time: 15 mins


  • 30g butter
  • 1 medium onion, halved and thinly sliced
  • 2 heads little gem lettuce, cored & coarsely shredded
  • 500g garden peas, weighed in pods then shelled
  • 250ml light chicken stock
  • beurre manié made with 15g butter & 1 tsp flour
  • salt & pepper


Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. When it is foaming, add the sliced onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until it is evenly and lightly browned. Stir in the lettuce and peas and sweat them for a minute without browning. Pour in just enough light chicken stock to barely cover the peas, topping up with a little water if absolutely necessary. (We want just enough liquid to cook them, not to drown them.) Bring to boiling point then reduce the heat to maintain a simmer and cook uncovered, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes.

Stir in the beurre manié to thicken the liquid slightly and adjust the seasoning to your liking.

Serve, preferably with a charcoal-roasted leg of lamb studded with rosemary and garlic.

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Pots au Chocolat

Untried as yet, this one is from Waitrose Food Illustrated . Few peiople can resist a chocolate rush, though, so it should be good.


serves: 6
preparation time: 20 mins
cooking time: 12 hrs


  • 200g plain chocolate (70%)
  • 50g salted butter
  • 100ml whole milk
  • 100ml double cream
  • 100g icing sugar, sieved
  • 2 egg yolks
  • zest of 1 orange, grated
  • 150g amaretti biscuits (optional)
  • 100ml brandy (optional)


Over a medium heat, melt the chocolate and butter with the milk and cream, stirring until the mixture is smooth. Leave to cool for about 10 minutes before beating in the icing sugar, egg yolks and orange zest.

I think I’d leave it at that so I’ve documented the original recipe’s use of brandy-soaked amaretti biscuits as optional. If you want to stick to the script, proceed as follows. Break up the amaretti and divide half of them between 6 suitable serving glasses/coffee cups. Sprinkle over half the brandy. Now pour in enough chocolate to cover them and then repeat the process to add a second layer.

Alternatively, skip the brandy and amaretti and just pour the chocolate into 6 suitable serving glasses/coffee cups.

Either way, chill the pots in the fridge for 12 hours before serving.


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Roast Pork Loin stuffed with Prunes

One to try from the childhood archives of the excellent monsieur Raymond Blanc courtesy of his mother, Maman Blanc. I might even try this in my good ol’ trusty Weber grill.


serves: 6
preparation time: 6 hrs
cooking time: 2 hrs


  • 24 Agen prunes, pitted
  • 6 tbs brandy
  • 1 – 1¼kg boneless pork loin with rind
  • 15g butter
  • 1 tbs oil
  • 1 large beef tomato, pricked all around with a fork
  • 200ml beef stock


Soak the prunes in the brandy for 6 hours.

Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas 4. Open up the loin of pork, flatten it and trim off the rind to leave 3mm of fat. Lay the pork fat-side down, season it and place 8-10 soaked prunes along the centre. Roll the loin up and secure it with string/skewers.

In a suitable roasting tray, heat the butter and oil on medium heat until the butter foams. Lightly brown the pork loin. Add the tomato, cover all loosely with foil and cook in the oven for 1½ hours. Remove the tray from the oven, wrap the pork in foil and place it on a plate to rest for 30 minutes.

Remove all but 2 tbs oil from the tray. Put the tray on high heat and deglaze it with the stock bringing it to the boil. Add the remaining prunes and heat through. Adjust the seasoning.

Carve the pork remembering to add any juices released by it to the sauce.

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Stuffed Tomatoes

Another from the childhood memories of monsieur Raymond Blanc. This seems to be tomatoes stuffed with what is essentially a vegetable risotto.


serves: 4
preparation time: 40 mins
cooking time: 1 hr


  • Olive oil
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 2 sprigs thyme
  • 4 ripe tomatoes, skinned, seeded and chopped
  • 100g tomato purée
  • ½ tsp sugar
  • 4 ripe large tomatoes (eg marmande or Jack Hawkins)
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 20g butter
  • 1 tsp thyme leaves
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 100g Carnaroli risotto rice
  • 1 carrot, finely chopped
  • 1 stick celery, thinly sliced
  • 1 courgette, thinly sliced
  • 30g peas
  • 2 tbs whipping cream
  • 85g Gruyère cheese, finely grated


Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas 4.

First, make the tomato sauce. Put 3 tbs olive oil, one medium onion and the garlic into a pan and soften, without colouring, over a medium heat for 3 minutes. Add the 2 thyme sprigs, the chopped tomatoes and the tomato purée and cook for 7-8 minutes. Add 300ml water, season and cook for a further 5 minutes. Remove the thyme and check the seasoning; sweeten with the sugar only if necessary. Purée the sauce and set aside.

Slice a cap off each of the large tomatoes and scoop out the pulp and juices into a bowl.

Now make the rice stuffing. Soften the onion in the butter with the thyme leaves and bay leaf. Add the rice and cook for 1 minute, stirring to coat the grains. Add 200ml water and 150g of the juices and chopped pulp from the tomatoes. Add the carrot and season. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat to a gentle simmer and cook for 5 minutes stirring occasionally. Add the celery, courgette and peas together with a further 75ml water, then cook for another 15 minutes. Stir in the cream and Gruyère, check the seasoning and remove the bay leaf.

Fill each tomato with the stuffing and top each with a tomato cap. Place them on a baking dish and drizzle with a little olive oil before baking for 25 minutes. Serve them with the reheated tomato sauce.

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