Roasted Sweet Pepper Salad

Feel free to use a mixture of red, yellow and/or orange peppers but avoid green peppers in this at all cost. I find that there isn’t a great deal of colour difference between orange and yellow peppers once cooked, either, but by all means use both.


serves: 4
preparation time: 10 mins
cooking time: 45 mins


  • 2 red peppers
  • 2 yellow/orange peppers
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp sherry vinegar
  • 2 garlic gloves, crushed
  • 1 tbsp pickled capers, drained
  • 6 black olives, stoned
  • 1 tbsp fresh marjoram (or oregano), chopped
  • Salt & pepper


Roast the peppers in a blisteringly hot oven (230°C/450°F/gas 8), turning a couple of times, until they are, well, blistered all over (~25-30 minutes). When nicely blackened, put the peppers into a bowl and cover them with cling film. Let them steam thus for ~15 minutes to help loosen their skin.

Hold each pepper over a clean bowl and snip a hole in its base (the pepper’s, not the bowl!) gently squeezing the juices out. Peel off the blackened skin (a blunt knife can help with this and let’s face it, most people’s knives are blunt). Remove the stem, core and seeds before slicing the flesh of each pepper into thin strips. Arrange alternating coloured strips of pepper on a serving plate.

To the reserved pepper juices, add the olive oil, sherry vinegar and crushed garlic. Whisk together seasoning with salt and pepper to taste. Cut each olive lengthwise into 2 or 3 pieces.

When ready to serve, drizzle a little dressing over the pepper salad, then scatter over the olive pieces, capers and chopped marjoram/oregano.

Serve as part of a mixed spread of tapas , preferably with some dry sherry as is traditional.

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