Covid-19 lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 did me a favour – I discovered a natural bee bank in the country park about ½km from my back door. I spent many happy hours watching and photographing what was to me the astonishing activity played out on the slope. As a result, I’m now much more interested in Bees and Wasps than I was pre-Covid.
Interested I may be but I’m still a complete beginner at identification. Without the help of the good folks at BWARS I’d be lost. I am indebted to them for much of this content. There are also now a handful of further flung foreigners from Australia and America for whose id. I am indebted mostly to iNaturalist.
Where genus or species is known, these are in alphabetical sequence of binomial name.
Andrena barbilabris | Andrena bicolor | Andrena bimaculata |
Andrena cineraria | Andrena clarkella | Andrena dorsata |
Andrena flavipes | Andrena fuscipes | Andrena haemorrhoa |
Andrena humilis-fulvago | Andrena labiata | Andrena minutula |
Andrena nitida | Andrena praecox | Andrena scotica |
Anthidium Bee | Anthophora bimaculata | Anthophora plumipes male |
Anthophora plumipes | Apis mellifera | Bombus hortorum |
Bombus lapidarius | Bombus pascuorum | Bombus pratorum |
Bombus sylvestris | Bombus terrestris | Bombus vestalis |
Coelioxys conoidea | Coelioxys rufescens | Colletes cunicularius mating |
Colletes hederae | Colletes succinctus | Dasypoda hirtipes |
Epeolus cruciger | Halictus sp | Homalictus sp |
Lasioglossum | Lasioglossum sp | Megachile |
Megachile sp | Melecta albifrons | Nomada fabriciana in flight |
Nomada fucata | Nomada fulvicornis | Nomada goodeniana |
Nomada lathburiana | Nomada Leucophthalma | Nomada Marshamella |
Nomada zonata | Osmia bicolor | Osmia bicornis |
Osmia caerulescens | Rhodanthidium sp | Sphecodes sp |
Sphecodes sp | Trachusa sp |
Xylocopa violacea | Xylocopa virginica | |
Abispa sp |
Ammophila pubescens | Ammophila sabulosa | Anoplius nigerrimus |
Anoplius viaticus | Astata boops | Cerceris rybyensis |
Crabro peltarius | Episyron rufipes | Eumenes pomiformis |
Evagetes sp | Hedychridium roseum | Hedychrum niemelai |
Isodontia mexicana | Lindenius albilabris | Lindenius panzeri |
Mellinus arvensis | Oxybelus uniglumis | Philanthus triangulum |
Polistes dominula | Polistes gallicus | Polistes metricus |
Polistes sp | Pompilus cinereus | Priocnemis sp |
Pseudochrysis neglecta | Sceliphron caementarium | Sceliphron curvatum |
Scolia hirta | Trypoxylon politum | Vespa crabro |
Vespa velutina | Vespula maculifrons |
Ichneumon Wasps
Amblyteles armatorius |
Buathra laborator | Campopleginae sp | Diphyus quadripunctatus |
Ichneumon bucculentus | Lissonota lineolaris | Odontocolon dentipes |
Ophion obscuratus | Pimpla rufipes | Vulgichneumon brevicinctor |
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