Author: John Curd

Cava and Tree

On Saturday, I managed to survive what would hopefully be the last visit to Milton Keynes shopping centre this Christmas. Carol and I hit the place at 8:30 AM before the manic crowds turned up. The one part of it

Luton Express

A rude 5:45 AM alarm on Friday roused Carol from beneath the warmth of the downie and made the author stir, albeit briefly. Apparently, Carol and Rosemary left at 6:30 AM for the joyous drive (not!) to Luton airport. Actually, the

Not “Cider with Rosie” …

… but “Chilli with Rosemary”, to plagiarize that well-known title. Friends Rosemary and Steve had organized a weekend in Edinburgh but, as luck would have it, Steve wound up working in Edinburgh the week before. Better than not working, I

Jaw and Finger Ache

Poor Carol had a Tuesday appointment with the dentist to get an expensive new crown fitted. Funny how one’s teeth wait until retirement to start playing up, isn’t it? She took advantage of a bright, sunny morning and bravely walked

Leaf Litter

After a morning playing Santa Claus, Carol and I decided to get some much needed exercise clearing what is hopefully the final dump of leaves this year from the nearby oak tree. It hangs over our house like the sword

Virtual Tourists and PCs

On Sunday morning I used Google Earth to correct and expand my scant geographical knowledge. Our education began just before Keith and Marlene left. We knew their trip began in Vienna, ended in Prague, and went along the Danube but, wait a moment

Heathrow Express

Keith and Marlene’s tour of London airports was to continue on Saturday morning with an 8:00 AM trip to Heathrow to begin their Danube cruise from Vienna. At 7:00 AM the house was a little more subdued than normal as

Meet the Neighbours

Our neighbours, Paul and Liz, are currently in upheaval refitting their kitchen. So, Paul had readily accepted Carol’s invitation to dinner with us on Friday evening. That meant that almost all of Friday would be spent buying and preparing for

Carousel and Cake

When we invaded Keith and Marlene’s families in Virginia last year for Thanksgiving, Keith seemed particularly keen on Carol’s rich fruit cake. It was actually a Christmas cake, of course, but it seemed appropriate for any celebration feast. In honour

Up the Smoke

Thursday was a dreadful morning on the weather front but we went ahead with our planned trip into London. The previous day, Carol had spotted an attractive “four for two” deal on travel cards (which include the otherwise-outrageously-priced Underground: £4


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