Author: John Curd

Blogging Hell!

My Stateside tester, Mr K F Stillman of the Easton and Potomac, has been attempting to register on this blog to leave comments. Apparently, his password, as promised by WordPress, never turned up. I wondered if my blog’s Feedburner plugin

Modified Photo Pages

Over the last few weeks, I seem to have been working as hard on the computer at home as I would have been when in full time employment. The somewhat frustrating target of my efforts has been a new “integrated”

Another Birthday

February is very crowded month as events go. First, there’s my mother’s birthday (6th), then, of course, we get Valentine’s Day (remembering to omit slaughtering people with our ever-present “Chicago Pianos“) and now, as if that weren’t enough, I just

Woburn Photographs

I have been selecting a few of Carol’s photographs from our very pleasant day “on safari” as VIPs in Woburn Safari Park on 9th February celebrating my mother’s 90th birthday. Clearly these newfangled digital camera thingies are quite convenient and

Expensive Rose Day

Don’t get me wrong, I do not resent spending money on flowers for my Valentine. In fact, for many of the years I was working, I bought her flowers every Saturday when we went on our usual dawn-patrol-to-Waitrose shopping trip.

Snowdrops on Pedals …

Snowdrops on Pedals? … and whiskers on kittens, Bright copper kettles and warm woollen mittens, Brown paper packages tied up with string… Arghhh! I completely and utterly detest that song. It rates as one of the most irritating ever written,

Hoorah, Books!

Another blindingly beautiful day called for a walk into town to see if the local library had reopened its doors to people thirsting for knowledge on such thrilling subjects as CSS and PHP. Joy, it was, indeed, open again so

Woburn Safari

Following a wonderfully bright day on Wednesday for my mother’s 90th birthday lunch at the Loch Fyne restaurant in Woburn, it was yet another brilliantly sunny day for her birthday trip on a VIP tour of Woburn Safari Park. The

Forced Ignorance

Just after Carol gave up work at the end of February, 2006, we both trotted in to our local library in Leighton Buzzard and joined. Actually, since joining we have been lent a steady stream of books by assorted relatives

90 Years Young

Rumour has it that my mother was born February 6th, 1918. If that’s true, then today was her 90th birthday. After some agonizing over what to get her by way of a present, we had decided to arrange for her


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