I hate Luton, even at the best of times. There’s an old saying: “If God wanted to give England an enema, he’d stick the tube in Luton”. Nothing is closer to the truth. I lived in one of Luton’s suburbs…
I hate Luton, even at the best of times. There’s an old saying: “If God wanted to give England an enema, he’d stick the tube in Luton”. Nothing is closer to the truth. I lived in one of Luton’s suburbs…
No, nothing to do with flowers splashing the countryside with a new flush of colour or birds excitedly pairing up for the breeding season. The first real sign of spring is when caravans that have been stuck in Europe’s northern…
Tracing family history is made a little easier by dealing with a less than common surname like “Curd”. At least, it was less than common until I traced my roots back to Buxted near Uckfield in Sussex where there was…
(Yes, I do know there’s an “L” apparently missing – I assure you it was intentional.) On Tuesday this week, Carol got introduced by our neighbour, Paul, to some on-line resources for researching family trees. She had been interested in…
We’re having a little “fun” this week since the local council has our escape route, Plantation Road, closed for four days, Monday thru’ Thursday, for resurfacing work. It’s not completely closed, access is still mostly possible, but it does require…
I’ve spent a somewhat frustrating morning trying to make various blogging clients upload blog entries with WordPress “Tags” associated with them. All to no avail, regrettably. The only way I seem to be able to get a tag on a…
Imagine my surprise when a new entry turned up in our Guestb00k from Michael Borse, a former San Francisco office Walker colleague of more years ago than I care to remember – probably about 10 years. Imagine my surprise turn…
As a part of my previously reported Novamura Nightmare, I found it necessary to drain and remove the radiator in the bedroom I was decorating chez mother. Not only had the previous occupant used the accursed, unstrippable Novamura, but it…
Do you remember it? Novamura – the wall covering where you paste the wall not the “paper”. I used it once in my very first house (£9,705.00, if I remember correctly – the house, that is, not the Novamura). It…
My recent silence has been the combined result of not having too much to report and of spending significant amounts of time trying to decide how best to publish my recipe collection. After much deliberation and prompted by Rosemary expressing…
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