Author: John Curd

Listen to the Rhythm of the Falling Rain

A seriously disappointing change to the weather after the thrill of seal-watching yesterday. Today began with pretty persistent rain, eventually becoming a series of frequent heavy showers accompanied later in the day by the occasional burst of hail rattling across

Sympathy for the Devil

The weather forecast was not exactly inspiring for today. There was a distinct bite to the still fast-flowing air, too, adding an unwelcome wind-chill effect. Mid morning was looking reasonably bright, though so we decided to treat ourselves to a

Play Misty for Me

Memo to self: don’t buy wild St. Agnes bunny for Paella again. An authentic Paella Valenciana requires wabbit but our particular wabbit did not wespond well to welatively wapid cooking, did it Elmer?. Personally, I’d forget shooting that blasted buck-toothed

Three Heads are Better than One

Our first full day in St. Agnes and what a brilliant morning; blue skies with a smattering of high-level wispy cloud. The wind was still present but not quite as strongly as yesterday. Judging by the weather forecast, though, things

Shake, Rattle and Roll

After a week of strenuous enjoyment based near Marazion; today we were due to move on to our second site. First, though, I had to try and fix the sink waste pipe, one joint of which had somehow managed to

Blows the Wind Southerly

Our last day near Marazion and another fair day was forecast, so we surprised ourselves a little by getting out of camp by about 9:30 AM and setting off. Our first stopping off point, by way of a little leg

St George Upstaged

St Georges Day dawned to BBC Radio Cornwall blathering on about nationality and what it means to be English, as opposed to Cornish or British. The Cornish undoubtedly have a very strong sense of identity and may now, apparently, enter

“Slip to The Loe, My Darling”

After yesterday’s incessant seven or eight hours of rain, we were looking forward to today’s promise of dry weather with, dare we say, a bit of sunshine thrown in. Just southwest of Helston I had seen, on good ol’ Google

Pitter Patter

It’s just after 5:00 PM and the day’s rain appears to have finally ceased. Glory hallelujah! Having been pleasantly surprised yesterday, today we were unpleasantly surprised. We’ve spent most of the day pleasantly enough, cozy in Billy Bailey with the

That Seals It

Weather forecasters are wonderful. If I understood today’s five day forecast correctly, we were in for cloud building with showers giving way to potentially heavier rain. Tomorrow, “however”, would start overcast with the possibility of showers leading to possibly heavier


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