Author: John Curd

Signs of Spring

As every Odonata watcher knows, the first to emerge at the start of a new season is most often the Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula). One was sighted almost two weeks ago in Norfolk – an individual that I can

False Start

One of my favourite on-line Odonata communities is UK Dragonflies. They seem a particularly friendly bunch of enthusiasts, so much so that I made a trip to meet some of them by the river Thames in search of the Common

Winter Continues Apace

So, here we are just three days away rom the beginning of British Summertime and there’s still snow lying on the ground. What a wonderful country we live in. As usual, I’ve been desperately trying to think of some advantages

Singapore Assignment

Carol has a cousin living in Singapore and, when we first began thinking of a visit, it was a couple of years ago in the context of a stopover en route to Australia and New Zealand. Unfortunately, any embryonic plans

‘S No Movement

With a positive attitude, this afternoon I drove the 10 miles to Billy’s field intent on getting him out and delivering him for his final warranty service tomorrow. A sinking feeling began to take hold as I approached, the bushes

‘S No Guarantee

In my naïveté, when we placed our order for our caravan, Billy, and the dealer said one would be available for delivery in February, I was quite pleased. “Great”, I thought, “we’ll be ready to start enjoying it when spring

What a Corker!

In the world that we’ve created, it seems all too common that we feel the need to write about some event or occurrence that was, shall we say “sub-optimal” [to quote some painful management mumbo-jumbo]. It is too easy to

An Attack of Thrush

We are blessed with a splendid array of woodland birds in our garden, largely because our garden backs onto a broad-leafed, silver birches being prominent with the occasional beech and oak. Though we are very keen to feed and observe

First Time Visitor

So, here we are in grips of a proper winter again; by proper, I mean one involving noticeable amounts of snow. We have now been in our current house for 25 years and, for the great majority of those winters,

Data Protection Acts #3: The Cloud

As every decent IT professional knows, offsite backups of critical data are a good idea to protect against things like ones building burning down, being flooded in our increasingly wet climate or being landed on by a not-quite-passing Boeing Dreamliner.


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