Author: John Curd

Bear Valley

Another grey but dry morning greeted us in Tomales but this time those conditions seemed to persist. The cooler conditions seemed ideal for walking, though; it was time to make use of the walking map and guide book that we

Point Reyes Station

The early morning overcast was clearing up very nicely as we headed back down by the side of Tomales Bay (also known as the San Andreas fault) intent on investigating Point Reyes Station. Keeping a careful eye on the rear

Sonoma Picnic

We awoke to an overcast sky and occasional spells of gentle rain. Realizing that yesterday we had omitted to go to the Tomales post office and empty Bets and Bryan’s mail boxes, I somewhat hastily threw on some clothes and

Dillon Beach, Deer?

We needed a little more serious shopping today. We were especially anxious to get a supply of fermented grape juice to feed our habit so we thought we might try a larger, and hopefully cheaper supermarket. ‘T was clearly time

Booze Cruise

Normal serviced was resumed this morning with the reappearance of the famous Bay Area coastal fog. It soon receded from our immediate vicinity but we could still see it a little further west over the coast. This may have explained

Last Day to Learn

Bets and Bryan were off to catch their train for trip number one of our stay late this evening (about 9:00 PM) so we would soon be home alone. This was our last day to learn a few survival techniques

Local Orientation

Jet lag did not let us down and woke us up at 3:00 AM after having crashed out a little before midnight. Fond memories of business travel. Surprisingly, we managed to get back to sleep and stayed that way until

Go West, Old Man

An unwelcome alarm dragged us back into the land of semi-consciousness at 4:15 AM. The alarm can never complete the job by itself but a good old cup of tea soon managed to finish the job properly. We are off

Inverse Packing Rule

Just prior to departure for California tomorrow, it was, of course, time to pack. Naturally, there’s nothing particularly scintillating about packing, it’s always something of an agony deciding what’s necessary, but this trip again highlighted a feature that seemed worthy of note.

Hog Roast Blues

As this year’s almost complete and utter lack of summer draws to a close, we were amazed to find ourselves heading off to a 50th birthday party under blue skies with temperatures reaching the dizzy heights of 26°C. Somebody’s Gods


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