Author: John Curd

Senija Cross

Another set of beautiful blue skies but this time without the nasty cold wind. This was definitely a day for some walking. We thought we’d break Steve and Rosemary in gently and take them up to a cross on a

Shelter in Calpe

A strong wind had both blown over a large and very heavy parasol on our veranda and had cleared the clods from the Vall de Pop.  Actually, from what we could see of the early morning weather map courtesy of

Confused Almond Blossom

The rain clouds seemed to be firmly stuck in the Vall de Pop (I checked on the cooperative wine label and it seems I’ve been misspelling it – oops) this morning as we had a lazy time keeping the dogs

The Rain in Spain …

… does not stay mainly on the plain. Today it stuck doggedly to the valley; in this case, the Val de Pop, which is where we are. In fact, when I’ve seen a relief map of Spain the country appears

Last of the Summer Wine

Today is a public holiday in Spain celebrating the Immaculate Conception. Carol suggested that, if the Immaculate Conception is December 8th  and the birth of Christ is supposed to be December 25th, then the gestation period works out at a

Jalon Ramblers

Before leaving for cold Britannia, Geoff had spotted in a local ex-pats publication what was, to us, an appealing event. There was to be a free guided walk around the Bernia on Sunday morning, meeting at 9:00 AM in Jalon’s

The Valencia Run

Today was the day for our hosts, Geoff and Pam, to fly to England on the first leg of their journey to Australia for Christmas and New Year. This was going to broaden our horizons because they were flying into

Paella Party

Our first weekend here is to be one with disrupted shopping courtesy of the “Immaculate Conception”, whatever that is or was. “Was that good for you, dear?” “Absolutely immaculate, darling; thank you for asking.” Monday seems to be conception time

Welcome to Spain

We had crashed out relatively early courtesy of our predawn start yesterday. The shutter across our bedroom window shuts out almost all the light so we didn’t stir until later than usual. So much for being up and about early.

Smooth Trip

There’s something about setting an alarm, in this case for about 5:00 AM, that makes you wake up earlier than necessary. Something subconconcious watches the clock waiting for it to ring. We woke up at 4:00 AM. Even taking our


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