Author: John Curd

Bird feeders

Here we are in the middle of a winter that looks set to be the wettest on record. What the weather hasn’t been as yet is very cold so some of our usually expected winter bird visitors haven’t turned up.

Birthdate Lottery

Most of us have become familiar with the term Postcode Lottery being applied to certain aspects of our beloved NHS: Sufferer: “Can I have anti-cancer drug A?” NHS representative: “I don’t know, where do you live?” … is the kind

A Surprise Lurking

I detest the winter. Despite the best efforts of the BBC’s Winterwatch programme trying to convince me that it’s interesting and enjoyable, I hate it. There are so many things about it that I dislike starting, of course, with the


More years ago than I care to remember, probably 15 years or so, I fitted ceramic tiles to the floor of our kitchen. They were hexagonal cream tiles with dark brown grout lines and looked reasonably stylish at the time,

Bagging some more Munros

Last year on November 30th, Carol and I went to Waddesdon Manor to see a seasonal art exhibit by so-called “international light artist” Bruce Munro. Well, here we are back at that time of year again and once more Mr

Down to the Eiders

The weather forecast/guess for day #2 of our escape from Halloween had been questionable. We were hoping to make our inaugural visit to the WWT site at Slimbridge as long as storm and tempest didn’t stop us. The forecast still

Avoiding Halloween

October 31st is my most feared day of the year. It’s bloody Halloween and I absolutely dread it. When I was a child Halloween was just an innocuous date on the calendar that passed without notice. Halloween used to be

A Woburn Rut

With a bright day in prospect and ‘erself off doing good deeds for the Greensand Trust, I thought I’d get some exercise in the all-too-infrequent clement weather by going for a walk. The difficulty, for me anyway, is to decide

Feed the Birds

One of our local conservation organisations, the Greensand Trust, holds a yearly “feed the birds” day where kids are actively encouraged to get messy making feeders stuffed with fat and seeds. Large pine cones and logs with holes are a

Tuscan Dragons

Carol’s birthday trip this year was a jaunt to Tuscany where we joined a couple of 1-week walking trips run by Explore!. Since both began and ended at Pisa airport, we managed to arrange to do both trips back-to-back spanning


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