Author: John Curd

Costa Lotta

We like coffee. Real coffee, that is; industrially processed instant concoctions don’t count. Instant brown beverages are banned, even in our caravan. How much more difficult is it to pour hot water onto real coffee grounds than onto powder or

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Interlude de France

During this final week of the Tour de France, ITV4 has scheduled several additional days of live coverage on their main channel, as opposed to screening it via the interactive system (the “red button”). This is a mixed blessing. The

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Chasing Cleopatra

It’s a rainy day that would have been perfect for watching the lads race over a few hills in the Tour de France. However, what with one thing and another, I’ve been out most of the day and missed them.

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Le Day Off

I was feeling a bit lost today. It’s a day off in the Tour de France so there was no racing to watch this afternoon. Mind you, after a particularly exciting start to Le Tour last week, the weekend’s stages

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Independent Movement

The Tour de France is managing to keep the excitement level up. Two days ago I watched an incredulous Frenchman survive what became an independent breakaway from the peloton to take a stage win. It was delightful to watch: as

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Tour d’Europe

With no fewer than five excursions into foreign territories, this year’s Tour de France seems more like the Tour d’Europe.  It kicked off in the Principality of Monaco before whizzing across southern France whence it heads into Spain. Things start

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Provence by Proxy

Well, there goes another Wimbledon and another Great British hope. I’m not sure Andy Murray actually wants or appreciates English support given his previous comments concerning English football but thanks for the nerve-racking, Andy. I spotted another comment on Twitter

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Over Networked

Some time ago I started blogging using a wonderful piece of blogging freeware (WordPress) introduced to me by a propeller-head friend and former colleague (Steve Blasdale). I didn’t really know what blogging was then but, having recently retired and feeling

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Service Week

This week turned into something of a week for services. I began by making a booking for Billy Bailey’s next service way out in the future (1st Feb 2010). This was just because the caravan agent is apt to get

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House Hunting

After last week in East Sussex grave-hunting, this Wednesday I took my mother out for a ride house-hunting. As a teenager my mother lived in Little Heath, near Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, which is where she met my father. I’d been

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