Author: John Curd


The dark clouds under which we had driven yesterday eventually produced a considerable amount of heavy overnight rain. At some small hour of the morning it finally ceased and I got to sleep. The morning dawned still very murky so,

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Hasty Departure

Having originally intended to stay near Marseillan for another day, this morning a set of four rather gabbly neighbours combined with an incessantly barking dog encouraged us to call it a day, we’d been here six days after all, and

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Oyster Festival

First thing this morning we bad our fond farewells to Steve and Rosemary who were up à bonne heure packing their camping gear ready for their drive north to Arçais. They are spending the following week in a gîte belonging

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Birthday Lunch

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Carol, Happy birthday to you. Yes, ‘t was Carol’s birthday and one of the main reasons for our heading this way at this time was to have a birthday

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Communal Cassoulet

The thunder storms that our old copy of Aujourd’hui seemed to have suggested we might get yesterday turned up overnight. We battened down the hatches and had a somewhat disturbed night’s sleep listening to occasional claps of thunder accompanying the

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Odd Odonata

Yesterday’s clouds were replaced a beautiful blue morning. We regarded this as a bonus since the Aujourd’hui  forecast from a few days ago had us expecting unsettled weather. It wasn’t just us that was enjoying the sun and warmth; a

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Sète Market

We’d correctly identified Steve and Rosemary’s tent in a prime corner pitch of the campsite. Two years ago we’d met another English guy here who always tries to reserve that particular pitch. Since we never know where we’re going or

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Across the Camargue

Yesterday afternoon I cycled into Maussane les Alpilles to have a beer in one of the bars offering free WiFi. I posted whatever new blog entries I had but was very disturbed to learn that there seems to be something

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Last Day in Provence

We’d debated moving on today rather staying for the final day of this camp site’s season. However, the Mistral started blowing with some ferocity overnight and continued into the day. Since towing across the Mistral can be less than comfortable

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Counterintuitive Cooling

The blogs have been building up again having failed to find the McDonald’s in Arles. Today we wanted to get some exercise and cycle the 4mls/6kms into Maussane-les-Alpilles avec laptop and try the supposed free WiFi hotspots in town. The

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