Author: John Curd

“On the Lam” to France (again)

One of the highlights of our ambition-realizing first-year-of-retirement 6-week trip to France in spring/early summer, 2006, was our discovery of what we consider to be the finest campsite we know. We found ourselves on a small (25 pitches) camping à

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Having ha Hlaugh

When we started house-sitting for friends in Spain, since I had absolutely no Spanish, I downloaded a podcast called Coffee Break Spanish to my iPod. I didn’t make huge progress but at least I learned some basic pleasantries and some

A Great Leveller

About 9 or 10 years ago we invested in a conservatory and extended our patio so we could better enjoy our back garden which overlooks woodland. Since our back garden slopes away at an angle of about 25°, extending the

Striking Advantage

So, our glorious Royal Mail workers have just been striking for two days thus generating lots of work clearing a backlog of letters to be delivered. What are the workers striking for? Modernization plans that they think will threaten their

France, 2009 – Retrospective

We’ve been back from France for two weeks now and Autumn is definitely with us. I’ve finally finished sorting and processing our photographs which naturally jog the memories and prompt a little backward reflection. The weather was great. I’m even

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Eating Frogs Legs

This is by way of another retrospective post from our sadly now complete recent tour around La Belle France. I’m still engaged in processing our digital images trying to select those that I think will make a representative web album

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Franco-Roman Innumeracy?

I think so, not that I’m a great expert on Roman Numerals. At home processing our collection of photographs, this is something of an addendum to our recently completed trip around France. One of the places Carol and I visited

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Bringing Home the Water

Well, we’re back for our first full day back at home after a wonderful trip around France and feeling a little cool. The larder was bare so we popped out shopping to get supplies. Carol fancied something warming and suggested

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Early Ferry

I had a reservation on P&O’s 1:10 PM ferry from Calais to Dover. It’s about 120mls/200kms from Neufchatel-en-Bray to Calais, about 2½ hrs towing. We were ready to leave the campsite by 9:00 AM so we hit the road and

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Last Stop

It was an easy 120mls/200kms from Chartres to our now habitual final stop in France at Neufchâtel-en-Bray in Normandy. Neufchâtel-en-Bray is a pleasant though unremarkable town in many ways, though it does boast an appellation contrôlée cheese which, I must

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