Author: John Curd

Shrove Curry

Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, pancake day. 57 years ago Shrove Tuesday was 17th, my birthday. According to my mother, I narrowly avoided being christened “Pancake”. Good Darwin, being saddled with Curd at school was bad enough; can you imagine the

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Well-travelled Celery

Having arrived in Spain yesterday to substantial sunshine, albeit with clouds shrouding some of the higher hills, today dawned with clouds on the deck and a constant dripping of rain. It was expected to remain all day. With temperatures hovering

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Stressed Systems

A 4:00 AM alarm woke us for a 5:00 AM departure to “London, Luton” airport. Paul, our neighbour and Spain specialist, very kindly drove us to the airport. Since we last flew with easyJet, they have introduced the facility for

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Back Again

A couple of things returned to our back garden today. Unfortunately, one of them was the snow which was, of course, also in the front garden and all our neighbours’ gardens. Still, it is February and that’s often a bad

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Fun with Geotagging

I’ve been more than a little distracted recently designing and implementing a new website for Leighton Buzzard and Linslade’s U3A group. Though I may be experienced at building websites, having my own, I was not experienced at setting them up

New Winter Visitor

This being the weekend of the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch, we’ve been doing quite a lot of bird feeder filling and staring out of our windows at the resultant flocks of feathered friends. In fact, on Friday, not being above

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I had a very old desktop computer (128Mb RAM/10Gb HD) running Windows 98. I had been hanging onto it because I also had an old Epson Filmscan 200 35mm slide film scanner for which there are no drivers above Windows

Distressin’ Damsels

Last year, I began pursuing my long-standing love of butterflies, camera in hand, at our local Sandhouse Lane Nature Reserve. However, I soon became distracted by Sandhouse Lane’s array of odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) which provided a fresh photographic interest.

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Talk of the Devil

Yesterday we were In Search of the Holy Grail in the form of one of our rarer avian garden visitors, a Treecreeper. No sooner had we been thinking, “wouldn’t it be nice if we got a shot of a Treecreeper”,

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Holy Grail

Since we’ve been all but snowed in for much of the recent winter, we’ve been visited by an even wider collection of bird life than usual. To pass the time, we’ve been pointing various photographic devices at our feathered friends

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