Author: John Curd

Dining in Style

Now we are 10 following the arrival yesterday of Mike & Linda Eaton (our friends with a pad at Arçais, France), and Selina (Steve and Rosemary’s daughter) plus partner Phil. Birthday girl’s day began rather poorly with the usual tuneless

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Albatross on a Plaque

Today began as yesterday ended – with hole in my right lower molar and rain. We have an as yet untried travel dental repair kit which might help fix the first issue so I set about trying. Actually, Carol volunteered

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Dental Delay

So there I was last night, calmly munching the only morsel of cheese in our house, a chunk of Parmesan, after digging the debris of the preceding rib-eye steak out of my teeth, when I sensed something rock=hard and probably

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Introducing “The Beast”

Having been removed from my tenter-hooks by the delivery of my new camera lens, I thought it appropriate to introduce the beast – and beast it certainly is tipping the scales at 1.36 kgs or about 3 lbs. The Beast

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On Tenter-hooks

As a child I recall getting several common day-to-day phrases completely and utterly wrong. I suspect it stemmed from a childlike lower vocabulary. I was, after all, more of a scientist than a language scholar and, when it came to

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Crocodile Fears

A couple of years ago I became a great fan of Crocs. I know they probably cost pence to make and sell for £30 but I love them. Not only are they particularly suited to our camping lifestyle but they

Depressing Returns

When we landed back in the UK on Sunday after a wetter-than-expected but enjoyable trip to Spain, a couple of depressing situations greeted us, apart from the fact that it was raining slightly and the country appeared pretty much flooded.

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Some GPS Fun

Having returned from Spain on Sunday to some pretty standard English drizzle, Monday and Tuesday were very pleasant, even if a little cool. Tuesday was our day for a U3A walk so I took the ol’ Garmin GPS along to

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Correction and Home

First, the correction. In "Jack and Jill" in this blog, I mentioned what I had been told was the “Plant” scheme in Spain for employment and revitalization. Whilst wandeting around Benissa, a few miles from where we were staying, we

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Tomorrow Never Comes

Carol and I popped out this morning to say farewell to el perrito, Scamp, and to see the Bérnia. Last night Chris told us that Scamp had been sulking for a day or two after we left to take up

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