Author: John Curd

New Toys

We’ve dragged ourselves kicking and screaming into the 21st century and finally bought a Garmin satnav for the car. That makes it official: everyone in the UK now has a satnav – we must have been the last hold-outs. Actually,

New Forest: Being a Tourist

One of the reasons I think that we had not been to the New Forest for quite a while, although we know we love the place, is that it is very popular and, consequently, suffers from hoards of tourists. Although

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New Forest, New Fungi

We have both now become complete iSpot addicts, so much so that there is a definite downturn in the mood when we have nothing to iSpot. [Aside: Carol has turned turned iSpot into a verb – very American – the

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New Forest, New Critters

As summer wanes and autumn thinks about waxing, since we were unable to return to our beloved France for September, we took ourselves down to renew our acquaintance with the New Forest. Billy was very excited to be trying something

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Carol Goes to ‘L

We’ve recently returned from a very enjoyable, albeit slightly wet on occasions, trip to the New Forest. Since getting a little distracted by our coastal path trips to the southwest, I’d forgotten just how delightful the New Forest is. Prior

No Dirty Calls

Originally, mobile phones were about the size and weight of a house brick. Who can forget the memorable image of Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon tearing across a bridge with a brick-sized phone in one hand and its briefcase-sized battery

Cornmill Meadows

Thankfully, September has begun much better than August ended – well, than August was all the way through, to be accurate. While one of us remained chez nous awaiting a delivery, I took myself and my camera gear over to

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Odd Odonata

For me, the summer school holidays are something to be endured. We endure it by being at home leaving the rest of the normally civilized world to be invaded by ear-shattering screamers. However, last summer I added dragonfly and damselfly

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Six-footers Updated

We’ve been back from La Belle France for about six weeks now and it seems a little like a distant memory. Despite our suffering worse weather than we’d hoped, we did seem to reuse quite a lot of pixels on

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Too Many Thirteens

Some of Carol’s ancestors are from Hereford so we’ve brought Billy Bailey, our caravan, up for a long weekend so she can rummage around in the dusty archives. A day for Carol in the records office left me footloose and

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