Author: John Curd

Prostate in the Back Seat

About five years ago work gave up on me – as in, my position was no longer required and I was offered the chance to seek alternative opportunities elsewhere. Work wasn’t the only thing giving up on me. In my

Cancer: Breast versus Prostate

Fear not, I am not about to compare breast cancer and prostate cancer. Let’s face it, non of the many forms of cancer are welcome companions on our journeys through life. I am, however, interested in comparing the two awareness

Prostate Cancer Awareness Awareness

Alternatively, I suppose, Prostate Cancer Awareness2. [Ed: Well, it gave me a chance to use the superscript HTML tag.] When we were enjoying Guernsey last week thanks to the hospitality of our friends, Steve & Rosemary, on Friday morning Carol

Guernsey, 2010

Back at home resting after a very enjoyable week of walking accompanied by intense eating, drinking and being wind-battered on Guernsey. Our entertainment came courtesy of our very kind friends, Steve & Rosemary, who invited us to share their annual

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Modern Mumbo-Jumbo

It maybe  a development of the Eddie (Eddie Stobart) spotting fad of many years ago but I find reading the sides of trucks to be quite entertaining on a journey. Sad, I know. Some years ago most of the transport

Charity Overload

It is said that charity begins at home. I don’t know who it was that said that but several people have certainly taken it at face value. At least, several people think that charity begins at our home and, presumably,

Toy 2 Story: Light Dawns

As a result of having some fun and games with a Brennan JB7 recently, I have been in communication with another Brennan customer. I don’t believe his problems are the same as ours but, “it’s good to talk”, as they

Toy 2 Story, The Sequel

[The original Toy 2 Story.] Late last week our new Brennan JB7 had been returned to have some life breathed back into it after a software update, intended to fix an occasional problem with noise on playback, created a second

In a Rut

[Yes, I know it’s a very obvious title but sometimes the obvious just has to be done.] Monday dawned with the promise a very fine day in prospect. Let’s face it, no fine day in the UK should be wasted

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Toy 2 Story

[Ed: what is that, a pun? Anyway, I hope it isn’t lost on anyone.] Computer technology can be very useful. From years of bitter experience, though, I well know that one of the biggest drags in going from an “old


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