Author: John Curd

Waxwings in Woburn

Yesterday afternoon my personal chauffeuse took me and my unwelcome medical attachment out for a swift jaunt. It’s good to get some fresh air and a change of scenery but there was a more pressing reason for our short trip.

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Catheter Catharsis

[Ed: Good grief, how’s that for alliteration?] It is said that writing about something can be cathartic. Let’s hope so. Whatever comments I have previously made about hospitals, two other things must be said. Firstly, the staff that I met

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PSA Screening Rejected

Sometimes what I read in reported articles makes me weep. I don’t know whether it is inaccurate/over-simplified reporting or the attitude of experts that causes my weeping. I’ve had a vested interest in this one. Here are snippets from the

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Hospital Hubbub

Though never before having been an inpatient, I’d played the unenviable rôle of hospital visitor in the past, so I was prepared for the ward to be a hive of activity during the day. The day seems to be kicked

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Hospital Gastronomy

Though not my first brush with general anaesthetics, I am fortunate that this was my first stay in an NHS hotel hospital. Now I was being nursed back to health from a major operation and having no idea of what

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The Shortest Day

P-Day dawned after my first experience of a night in hospital. [Ed: more of that another time.] The condemned man was given a theatre gown, those intriguing garments that fasten (almost) down the back with short ties that no human

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Patient Choice

After what had seemed like an interminable wait, December 1st, Admission Day, had finally arrived. I’d d run the two week gauntlet attempting to avoid catching a cold and was still “go for admission”, as Houston might say. Even the

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Poor Birdies

A cold but sunny Friday generated quite a bit of bird activity on our feeders. Furthermore, there was enough light for me to have a try using TheBeast++ (my 1.4X extender on my 100-400 lens). I’d have to confess, it’s

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Cold Avoidance

I’ve arrived at the last day of Movember. Tomorrow, all those “real men” who’ve been growing ‘taches (sorry, I still call it a mo’) in support of the Movember prostate awareness campaign can have, in the words of Sweeney Todd,

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Back to the Future

No, no, this is nothing to do with a Michael J. Fox film. Rather, this is to do with giant steps forward that seem to result in equally giant steps backwards. [Aside: What is Michael J. Fox’s middle name? Andrew


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