Author: John Curd

A Month Downstream

The month in question is the month following the removal of my catheter, which is, of course, when my stream started. 😀 As I was being packed off home with my initial supply of continence pads to deal with my

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Extra Padding

Anyone with a copy of Lou Reed’s classic (my opinion) 1972 album, Transformer, should flip it over and remind themselves of the artwork on the reverse of the album/CD cover. For those whose music collection is sadly lacking, I’ve pinched

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PC Exercises

[Don’t panic – I haven’t suddenly gone Politically Correct!] Both prior to my operation and after the subsequent removal of the catheter, I had been regaled to do regular pelvic floor exercises. I’d heard of pelvic floor exercises, of course,

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Illogical Logistics

In the days of yore, we didn’t have to make choices when it came to parcel deliveries. We had a state monopoly in the form of the GPO (General Post Office), latterly the Royal Mail. Whilst the Royal Mail may

Night Horrors

It is now three weeks since the removal of my accursed catheter so it’s way beyond time for a progress report. Blame the hiatus of Christmas which was, most unusually, a white Christmas in the UK. Cue Bing Crosby …

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Christmas Birds

No, not turkey, not goose, not guinea fowl and not pheasant. It’s been only just over week since I lost my infernal catheter and now I’m in the expected period of leaking. I am happy to report that I believe

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A Brief Christmas Message

If joining any chapter of the worldwide cancer club can be said to be lucky, then I consider myself very lucky indeed. First of all, I was fortunate enough to have early symptoms of a malfunctioning prostate and aware enough

Redwings’ Return

Given all the harsh weather that we and our wild creatures have been “enjoying” this season, I had been wondering why I hadn’t seen any Redwings decimating the red berries in our garden. Actually, to be fair, the red berries

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Catheter Withdrawal Symptoms

Yesterday was another milestone in my process to get fixed. We were due another fun trip to High Wycombe hospital for what was billed as my “trial without catheter”. From Catheter Catharsis, regular readers will be well aware of my

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Staples Away

When this whole radical prostatectomy procedure was originally being explained to me, I was told that the process would involve 5 small incisions through my abdomen wall and that, having been discharged, my staples would be removed by a practice

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