Author: John Curd

Stacks and Stacks

Good grief, you could almost have believed that it was spring today. I think that’s two pleasant days so far in February and it’s only 24th! [Ed: Sarcasm will get you everywhere.] Since I was home alone and wanted an

A Milestone

I don’t think I can remember such a dull, grey winter as this. Since our early winter snows over the Christmas period, when we did at least have some cold, crisp, blue sky days, we seem to have had very

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Speed Humps

It’s tiresome driving anywhere in the UK these days. Planning a journey can be a combination of trying to avoid interminable queued traffic, bone-jarring potholes and suspension-stressing speed humps. Whilst satellite navigation systems can be set to “avoid motorways” and

Tesco Double

I confess I am writing this largely to try out my new Linux (Ubuntu flavour) blogging client, Blogilo. Weird name. It supposedly means “blog tool” in Esperanto. Terrific! Not so terrific was the fact that, after downloading for ages and

Priority Announcement

Carol is much better at scouring a magazine than am I. That, I suspect, is largely because she’s a faster reader than I. It’s also because I often can’t be arsed (a.k.a. bothered). Let’s face it, most magazines are filled

The Healing Process

The healing process related to the expected period of incontinence following a radical prostatectomy is a very strange one. I freely confess that I do not understand the mechanism(s) involved. Given that, during the two weeks immediately following my operation,

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Softwear Releases

As any regular readers will have noticed from my recent posts, it really isn’t possible to talk about the after-effects of a radical prostatectomy without completely burying one’s embarrassment. Fortunately, I don’t mind talking frankly and openly with my heart

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Insulation Insanity

My dear ol’ dad was in the building trade. Having served his apprenticeship as a carpenter, he became a roofer before the days of ready-made roof trusses. Here’s another one of my unforgettable revelations from childhood: my relatively newly qualified

Demo-crass-y in Action

If you’re anything at all like me, in your formative years there will have been a few moments that were so startling, they’ll be lodged in your brain forever. One such moment in my relative youth was hearing the erudite,

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Getting My Kit Off

Startling admission: I’ve never been a sports fan. [Ed: No, really!?] My problem is not just a lack of interest, it’s a dislike that encompasses not only watching sport but also, indeed mainly, partaking in sport. By “sport”, I’m referring

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