Author: John Curd

The New Season Begins

For Odonata, a.k.a. Dragonflies and Damselflies, that is. It has been a long winter for a relatively new addict for many reasons, not the least of which, of course, were my surgical experiences caused by ridding myself of a freshly

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A Week of Progress

Today it is exactly four calendar months since the removal of my post-prostatectomy catheter, the start of Mr. Leaky, so I thought another progress bulletin was in order. There’s a couple of things to point out about this return to

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Walking on Water

Now that I seem to be well on the road to recovery from my prostatectomy (fingers still firmly crossed), I appear to have developed a new and little known condition. In fact, this may be completely new to medical science.

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First Post-Op Trip

Having re-acquainted ourselves with the New Forest last September, courtesy of waiting on things medical, we had rather optimistically booked ourselves into a year-round campsite there for New Year. New Year in the New Forest: seems almost poetic. At the

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Change of Fortune?

Being a committed follower of Darwin (Charles) and Dawkins (Richard) – in no way do I believe in any supernatural being referred to as God – I can’t really believe in anything resembling destiny or superstition. However, such was my

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Never Bored with a PC

Right, so, a week after installing Service Pack 1 on my one month old Windows 7, Dell Inspiron laptop, after restarting and hibernating/waking up successfully several times, on Saturday evening it decided to die. It wanted to enter Windows Error

Recovery Processes

Following my radical prostatectomy last December, Friday was my second follow-up appointment with the medical team and the first for my post-operative PSA level checks. The hospital was typically manic with the waiting areas full to overflowing and my appointment

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Hawk Eyes

Will this winter never end? I’m ready for an improvement in the weather and some R & R. Still, at least I’ve been using the grey days to try and get over my December medical hiatus. The other thing I’ve

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A Mixed Bag

Considering the fact that I was born in February, I really should be used to it being a short month by now. I’m not, though; I never seem to be prepared for March to start. Slow learning curve I guess.

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Expensive Trip

During last year’s trip to France, whilst staying at our beloved dairy sheep farm camp site, Carol accidentally dropped her binoculars. Well, of course it was accidental – she’d hardly drop them intentionally, now, would she? They were relatively lightweight


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