Author: John Curd

Pushing the Boundaries

When we first retired we began taking six week trips to France. Last year we extended that to seven weeks, braving the presence of Satan’s Little Disciples in the last week of our trip. This year, in lieu of a

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WordPress Conundrum

Some time ago I used WordPress to set up a website for our local U3A group. The site doesn’t do anything very complex, basically advertises the group’s existence and activities, and stores a few PDF documents such as Membership Forms,

Panoramic Pretences

I am a traditionalist. This may seem a little strange for someone who spent their entire career in technology but it’s certainly true. I suspect it stems from my father who was a craftsman, a joiner in fact, with a

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GPS Conundrum

We have two Garmins. Garmin A is a basic walker’s device called an “eTrex h” (the “h” is for high sensitivity). Garmin B is a nüvi something (and what’s that umlaut all about?) for our cars. A friend of mine

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Testing Technology

We’ve just returned from a walk in the company of our U3A friends. These walks are fortnightly gentle saunters, ~5m/8kms, through some very pleasant countryside and, this spring, in some very pleasant weather. We don’t usually know exactly how long

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Industrial Wasteland

Two years ago, Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies – I’ll use the term dragonflies collectively) began distracting me a little from my long-standing love, butterflies. Last year I became very keen on dragonflies and started searching them out when we went

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Walks on the Wild Side

I’ve already been away in our caravan since my prostatectomy but the caravan is still a very personal space. However, last weekend was another milestone of sorts in that we ventured over to near Ipswich where we would be staying

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In Search of Perfection

After yesterday’s excitement of seeing my first ever Downy Emerald (Cordulia aenea) at Sandhouse Lane Nature Reserve, I just couldn’t resist returning today with Carol (she had been out volunteering for the Greensand Trust) in the hope that she’d be

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Up About a Downy

This is turning into something of a Sandhouse Lane Nature Reserve blog at the moment. Being a relatively new member of the Odonata fan club, this is the first year when I’ve been eagerly awaiting the start of the new

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Colourful Easter

[Egg-citing Easter was a bit too obvious, even for me, but I thought I should note the possibility.] First of all, my dear ol’ mum bought me a lovely Thornton’s dark chocolate Easter Egg. How much of a big kid

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