Sea Horses

Our poor old damp, soggy field, just as it is beginning to think about drying out a little, more rain dampens it again. Such was the case last night, as forecast. However, we now believe that a few dry days are in the offing so maybe it will make more progress.

We certainly made progress. This time we avoided mechanized transport altogether and set off on foot from our field. The initial half mile is a tad life-threatening being on the relatively narrow but busy road into Rock but, after that we struck out across country towards Polzeath. I suppose crossing the golf course could be regarded as life-threatening, too, but we avoided all errant golf balls and made it to Polzeath unscathed.

Two sea horses We fought our way straight into the very stiff north-westerly wind to get out to Pentire Point, then let the same wind blow us back to Polzeath before continuing around Daymer Bay and along the beach beside the Camel estuary to Rock. As we approached Rock, we were a little taken aback to see three ladies on horses riding along in the estuary. I’ve heard of horses being exercised in water before but not with riders aboard. They were riding bareback because, I assume, that sea water and leather saddles probably do not make good companions. All six participants appeared to be enjoying it though I’d have thought the ladies’ wet riding clothes would have felt uncomfortably cold once out of the water and back in the stiff north-westerly. Brrr!

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